Thanks to Prof. Jeremy Baskin for sharing his wisdom about click chemistry with us!

During our March 22 meeting, Prof. Yimon Aye led an interactive workshop about mammalian cell culturing for our CBI trainees and participants!

Today, Susi Varvayanis from the BEST Program shared useful tips about career development with our CBI members!
Prof. Justin Wilson shared useful tips about grant/fellowship writing with CBI trainees and participants at today’s meeting.
Today, students learned about the theory and application of protein crystallography from Prof. Josh Chappie!
On November 2, students learned how to process and analyze images using ImageJ/FIJI with Johanna Dela Cruz from the BRC Imaging Facility!
Students learning about NMR from the master himself — Ivan Keresztes!!
Students learning about NMR from the master himself — Ivan Keresztes!!
September 21 workshop with Tom Ruttledge from the Chemistry Department. Students learned how to be good mentors in the laboratory!
September 21 workshop with Tom Ruttledge from the Chemistry Department. Students learned how to be good mentors in the laboratory!