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Jesse Poganik

Jesse Poganik

Mentor: Yimon Aye


B. S. Chemistry, SUNY Stony Brook


Presidential Scholarship, SUNY at Stony Brook (Fall 2009–Spring 2013)
Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Chemistry Undergraduate, SUNY at Stony Brook (2013)

Research Experiences:

Drueckhammer Research Group, Department of Chemistry, SUNY at Stony Brook: 2012-2013

Current Research Activities:

My project focuses on understanding the redox-linked regulatory roles of a mammalian mRNA-binding protein of major therapeutic importance both in physiology and disease states. I will exploit the new set of T-REX (targetable reactive electrophiles and oxidants) chemical biology tools that our lab has recently developed for studying the functional links between on-target redox modifications of this protein and its well-established roles in angiogenesis and cancer biology. This work represents a unique synthesis of both chemical and biological techniques to advance our molecular knowledge of redox regulation in cancer biology.


Long, M. J., Poganik, J. R., and Aye, Y. (2016) On-Demand Targeting: Investigating Biology with Proximity-Directed Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 (11), pp 3610–3622. LiveSlides giving an overview of the article. PubMed


J. R. Poganik, J. Muldoon, X. Liang, X. Cheng, and D. G. Drueckhammer. “Arsenic-Based Probes for α-Helical Dicysteine Peptides.” Poster. URECA Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creativity, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY.
April, 2013.

J. R. Poganik, G. S. Hu, M. J. C. Long, Y. Fu, and Y. Aye. “Redox-Linked Regulation of the Antioxidant Response by an mRNA-Binding Protein.” Poster. Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. March, 2015.

J. R. Poganik. “HuR U? mRNA-Level Regulation of the Antioxidant Response.” Oral Presentation. Aging, Inflammation, Metabolism, and Stress (AIMS) Group Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. December 10, 2015.

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