How can I request research supplies?
To request supplies to be used on your CBI research project, please contact Professor Hening Lin and Kelly Case. If the fund is available, Kelly will request the information about the requested supplies and help you order the supplies.
How can I receive support to attend a conference?
To request support to attend a research conference, please email Hening Lin. In your request, please include the following: (1) a description of the meeting, (2) why you feel it would be helpful to your research, and (3) the estimated costs. Ordinarily, your participation in the meeting should include either a poster or talk describing your research. The Cornell graduate school is an additional source of funds to defray part of the costs of attending conferences. All funds for the conference must come during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) in which the conference occurs and during the time in which you are a trainee.
How should I acknowledge the training grant on posters and publications?
Each publication, press release or other documents that cites results from NIH grant-supported research must include an acknowledgment and disclaimer such as “The project described was supported by T32GM138826 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences or the National Institutes of Health.”
What is my responsibility for complying with the NIH Public Access Policy?
By law, all publications resulting from NIH support must adhere to the NIH public access policy that all final, peer-reviewed manuscripts must be posted to the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS) upon acceptance for publication and be made publicly available on PubMed Central (PMC) no later than twelve months after the official date of publication. You and your mentor should assure that any peer-reviewed manuscript resulting from research supported in whole or in part by this training grant complies with this policy.
To comply, go to NIHMS site and follow their instructions. Most journals have an appropriate mechanism already in place for NIH funded manuscripts and will perform the deposition for you. You will need to link your submission to a source of NIH funding. If your PI does not receive additional NIH support, you must attach your submission to this grant (T32GM138826, PI – Hening Lin).
What is my responsibility for complying with the NIH Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Policy?
Within 60 days of your appointment as a trainee, you should complete the online training described at:
How do I arrange a sabbatical or internship in another laboratory?
Your sponsor may have identified a specific sponsor in your original application. Other mentors and previous trainees may also provide suggestions; however, it is your and your mentor’s responsibility to make arrangements for an internship that will enhance your research experience. Once identified, you should send a copy of your sabbatical proposal to Professor Lin and Professor Baskin for approval by the Executive Committee. This proposal should be prepared during your first year of funding. This grant can provide some funding to help defray expenses for either on or off campus sabbaticals.
How does my NIH stipend work?
Your NIH appointment period is for one year (July 1 – June 30) and the NIH considers that you are paid by them for the entire period; however, you probably noticed when you registered online that the NIH stipend is much less than a normal graduate student stipend. Your PI will make up the difference from non-Federal funds. Cornell dispenses the NIH portion in two allotments at the start of the Fall and Spring semesters. The PI supplement is dispensed in bi-weekly checks over the summer. Overall information about the program as well as information on W-2 statements and taxability of the stipend can be found here. See particularly Sections and
How long am I considered to be a trainee and contribute to progress reports?
You are considered to be a part of the training program, even though you are no longer being provided a stipend by the NIH, until you complete your PhD or leave your current position. We will solicit updates on your publications, awards and other progress as long as you remain a graduate student here.